German Advisory Council on the Environment

Top news

Renaturierung - Landschaft (refer to: Nature restoration: Strengthening biodiversity and managing land sustainably)

Nature restoration: Strengthening biodiversity and managing land sustainably

We are dependent on functioning and resilient ecosystems. In Germany the state of nature has continued to deteriorate in recent decades. In addition to protecting the remaining nature, the condition of damaged ecosystems should be improved increasingly. In this statement the SRU, WBBGR and WBW are giving recommendations for the implementation of the nature restoration law in Germany.


Focus themes and articles

Suffizienz - Fingerabdruck  (refer to: Sufficiency as a "Strategy of the Enough": A Necessary Debate)

date of issue 2024.06.12 · Topic: Cli­mate and en­er­gy , Con­struc­tion in­dus­try , Cli­mate and en­er­gy , Mo­bil­i­ty , Law, pol­i­tics and strate­gies , Raw ma­te­ri­als and cir­cu­lar econ­o­my , Econ­o­my and so­ci­ety , Agri­cul­ture and soil Sufficiency as a "Strategy of the Enough": A Necessary Debate(PDF, 101KB, File meet accessibility standards)

Human consumption of nature must be reduced quickly and drastically. At the same time, many people do not have sufficient access to energy and resources. The SRU calls for a social debate on a previously neglected dimension of future policy: Sufficiency. More: Sufficiency as a "Strategy of the Enough": A Necessary Debate …

Landschaftsfoto mit Industrieanlage, Fluss und grüner Liegewiese (refer to: For a Systematic Integration of Environment and Health)

date of issue 2023.10.17 · Topic: Chem­i­cals , Health , Con­struc­tion in­dus­try , Noise and air , Mo­bil­i­ty For a Systematic Integration of Environment and Health(PDF, 661KB, File meet accessibility standards)

Human health needs an intact environment. If we want to create good and healthy living conditions for all, the health dimension need to be more thoroughly integrated in all relevant policy fields. In this special report, the SRU analyses how this can be achieved. More: For a Systematic Integration of Environment and Health …

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