German Advisory Council on the Environment

Type:Statement · date of issue 2024.06.12Nature restoration: Strengthening biodiversity and managing land sustainably

We are dependent on functioning and resilient ecosystems. In Germany the state of nature has continued to deteriorate in recent decades.

In addition to protecting the remaining nature, the condition of damaged ecosystems should be improved increasingly. In this statement the SRU, WBBGR and WBW are giving recommendations for an effective nature restoration policy in Germany.

On May 23, 2024, the essential recommendations of the statement were presented and discussed in a public event online. The documentation is available in German.

The aim of supporting the recovery of degraded ecosystems is to be understood broadly and includes not only improving the condition of protected areas but also nature-friendly forms of land use. Ecosystems should be developed towards more natural structures through nature restoration so that they can provide a variety of services in the long term.

Like other projects, nature restoration measures require land. Restoring ecosystems will therefore also involve conflicts over land use, economic aspects and our consumer behavior. These conflicts need to be moderated and resolved. Nature restoration is a societal task that affects not only nature conservation, but above all the land-use sectors, especially agriculture and forest management in addition to urban and regional planning. This statement therefore aims to develop the basic principles of a nature restoration policy, which creates synergies between nature conservation and land use interests and minimizes conflicts of interest.

2024, 18 pages


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